BBC Podcasts
Audacity® — свободный звуковой редактор с открытым исходным кодом. Он работает в Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux и других операционных системах.
Elementary Podcasts - Each episode is accompanied by a range of activities to help you learn new vocabulary and focus on the language you hear.You can also download the support packs which contain the tape scripts and extra learning activities.
Grammar Grater® is a weekly podcast about English words, grammar and usage for the Information Age.
Educational podcasts for teaching and learning - In our podcast directory, you can freely access a variety of educational content from over 5000 podcasts from different podcast channels, including a range of audio, enhanced and video channels to illustrate examples of "educational podcasting" to support effective teaching and learning in schools, colleges and universities.
ESL : Listening : Podcasts - These podcasts are aimed at native English speakers, so they are probably only interesting to advanced ESL students.
The 'English Teacher John Show'
Breaking News English Lessons
Jokes in English - Text & MP3 Files
Funny Audio Files
English Through Stories - English Through Stories is for advanced speakers of English wishing to improve their listening and speaking skills. These scripts may be copied by teachers for classroom use, but neither the scripts nor the files may be posted to another website. All scripts and audio files are copyright 2005 by the Center for Educational Development. - Listen to English and learn English with pie - the podcast site for learners and teachers of English.
Podcasting in Plain English
Podcast tutorial
What is podcasting?
How to create a podcast
Audacity Tutorial for Podcasting
Integrating podcasting into your classroom
ELT Podcasting Wiki
Podcasting for ELT at GidaDial
What is … podcasting? (Tech ELT Blog)
Podcasting in ELT (Graham Stanley’s Article)
BBC podcasting subscription guide
ELT Podcasting (Graham Stanley)
ESL Podcasts
ELT Podcast – The Teacher’s Lounge
ELT Podcasts
Paul Sze’s ELT Podcasting Space
ESL: Listening: Podcasts
The Daily English Show
(search on the site for ‘Daily English Show’)
Onestopenglish Podcast List
Easy Online RSS Reader for English as a Second Language (ESL) Podcasts
The British Council
British Council Learning: LEARN ENGLISH
British Council Learning: TEACH ENGLISH
The British Council: Language Assistant
Podcasting Basics
Examples of radio stations that provide podcasts
Examples of “independent” podcasts
Examples of teacher podcasts
Examples of student/school podcasts
Examples of podcatchers (software for subscribing to podcasts)
Examples of free software for recording audio shows
To create RSS feeds (so that other people can subscribe to your
One-stop podcast creation and publication sites
Blogging sites that also host podcasts
Lessons on podcasting on the Web (Learning and Teaching Scotland “Modern Foreign Languages Environment”: a project for schools in Scotland on using podcasting in teaching modern foreign languages [MFL]; this webpage explains the process of producing podcastings for MFL teaching)
ELT Podcasts
ELT Podcasting
General directories
To search for ELT podcasts in general podcast Directories:
Directories of educational podcasts
ELT podcast directories
Examples of ELT Podcasts
Whole lessons around podcasts
Scripted conversations
ELT Podcasts
English through stories
Conventional listening comprehension
Student podcasts (podcasts created by learners)
Discussion fora on podcasting in ELT